Koliva Recipe

3 lbs whole wheat

1 lb. Chopped walnuts

2 cups bread crumbs

1 lb raisins     

1 tsp cinnamon

1 cup sugar

½ cup chopped parsley

1 cup sesame seeds

2 lbs powdered sugar

1 cup sliced almonds

Silver coated candies

Day One:

Place wheat in a big kettle and wash whole wheat.  After cleaning cover with water and boil for 2 ½ - 3 hours or until wheat is tender.  Add more water if necessary.  When tender, drain wheat in colander and rinse well.  Place in large bowl.  Wet a thick cloth and cover the bowl with the wheat.  Cover with another dry cloth and leave to sit overnight. 

Day Two:

The day of the memorial service, grind the walnuts and combine with wheat, bread crumbs, raisins, cinnamon, sugar, parsley, and almonds.  Mix well.  Line a large silver tray with a white paper doilies that extends beyond the rim of the tray.  Top with a piece of wax paper.  Pack the wheat into the bowl well and flip over onto tray.   Make a mound with it.  Press the sesame seeds onto the top.  Take a sheet of plastic wrap and pour some powdered sugar on it.  Take this plastic and press gently onto the mound to make it firm.  Sift and sprinkle remaining powdered sugar over mound evenly to form a soft snowy appearance.  Decorate with silver candies making a cross in the center and the initials of the deceased underneath.